
Lasting Power of Attorney

Case 2 – Mrs Y | Family Probate Trust

Mrs Y settled 50% of her property into a Family Probate Trust in 2011. In 2019, Mrs Y entered long term care. A financial assessment was completed, and the council confirmed that they were taking into

Death Planning

Case 1 – Mr X | Family Investment Probate Trust

Mr X had sold his property and settled the sale proceeds into a Family Investment Probate Trust in 2019. He moved into rented sheltered accommodation following the sale, and six months later in early 2020, he entered long term care following a fall.

Lasting Power of Attorney

Have you created a Powers of attorney?

There may come a time in your life when you are unable to manage your financial affairs or personal welfare. Owing to some form of incapacity. And you will need someone to act on your

Estate Planning with DB Consultancy

Protect your inheritance for future generations

Protecting your inheritance for future generations is commonly referred to as ‘Bloodline Planning’.   Ensuring that your assets reach your children, grandchildren and other relatives, rather than other people. Assets distributed to beneficiaries absolutely can be lost When

Estate Planning | DB Consultancy

Asset Protection | Are you protected?

Do you have a plan in place to ensure that your wealth passes to the right people at the appropriate time in a manner that provides asset protection and is efficient for tax purposes?  Ferndown